Monday, April 22, 2019

Mental Health

Mental Health

If you think you know about mental health, think again. Because I am here to let you know that you have only touched the tip of this iceberg. Today, the mental health of people is worse than their physical health. The anxiety level of today's generation is equal to the anxiety levels of mentally ill patients in 1950s. This is an alarming value.  Efforts have been made by some organizations and governments to prioritize mental health but the progress has been at a slow rate. Mostly because when people learn about mental illnesses, they don’t want to believe that it really exists. It has become a stigma to even discuss these things. It's also a common belief that mentally ill people are "crazy". 

Believe me when I say that they are not. They are ill. They need the same amount of help as does a patient of cancer. It's time to put an end to this toxic thinking and fight the stigma around mental illnesses. Mental health is also a priority.

Some of the most common mental illnesses include Depression, Anxiety, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Bipolar Disorder and Personality disorders. Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD) and Panic Disorders are a very common combination. You may find it hard to believe but majority of people are not aware that depression is a mental illness! They consider it as one of the negative emotions. These reasons are enough to make people aware about the dangers of mental illnesses now more than ever.

There has always been a conflict regarding the perspective between people who observe a person with mental illness and people who are suffering from mental illness. Even if the observer knows about mental illness, there is a high chance that they can’t fully understand what the patient is going through. They have a hard time watching a person go through this phase and are unable to help the patient when he needs it. This blog is for both kind of people. Because mentally ill people have this constant dilemma that nobody can understand what they are going through. I will be posting about commonly observed mental illnesses and related case studies so as to create a productive environment for understanding both the point of views.

Some of the general terms that are related to my posts are
1.     DSM-5 : Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th Edition)
2.     ICD-10 : International Classification of Diseases (10th Edition)
These books are standardized and all psychology courses have them as recommended readings.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent article. It will educate a commoner to correct their sight on the most neglected issue.
